How you and your incredibly generic face could star in the 'Game of Thrones' prequel
Fancy becoming super famous, do ya?

HBO’s Game of Thrones spin-off show, set thousands of years before the show we know and love during the Age of Heroes, is well and truly under way. And TV bosses are now looking for the faces that’ll star in the new series.
HBO earlier released this tantalising description for the as-yet-untitled show:
“The series chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour. And only one thing is for sure: From the horrifying secrets of Westeros’ history to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East, to the Starks of legend… it’s not the story we think we know.”
We know that it’s being co-created by George RR Martin and Kingsman screenwriter Jane Goldman, who will also act as showrunner.
So now’s your chance to dust off your CV and show off those acting chops you’ve been hiding since your star turn as Wise Man #3 in your Year 5 Nativity performance.
In September, internet sleuths tracked down this casting call that looks like it’s for the Game of Thrones prequel and, in a very cool move, it seems that the prequel will be much more diverse than the original series.
And the latest casting calls, posted on casting site Spotlight on October 24, will remain open through to November 17.
These are the people they’re looking for – so good luck if you fit the bill and fancy starring in a major HBO network series!
1. (Male, 50 – 63 years old) This role is a series regular, playing age 50s. The role is meant for a Black actor.
2. (Male, 37 – 45 years old) Playing age late 30s-mid 40s. This role doesn’t appear to be a series regular, and is meant for a Caucasian actor.
3. (Male, 30 – 38 years old) This role is a series regular, playing age 30s. The role is meant for a genuine Scandinavian, Germanic, or Eastern European actor.
4. (Male, 49 – 58 years old) This role is a series regular, playing age 50s. The role is meant for a genuine Scandinavian, Germanic, or Eastern European actor.
5. (Female, 31 – 34 years old) This role is a series regular, playing age early 30s. The role is meant for a Caucasian actress.
6. (Female, 28 – 31 years old) This role is a series regular, playing age late 20s. The role is meant for a Caucasian actress.
There have also been rumours that actress Naomi Watts has been cast in the upcoming series so you’ll have some star-powered company if you do make it through.
(Image: Getty)