Despite what the internet might tell you, there is no such thing as a "life hack".
Hacking is about digital skulduggery, manipulating data, frantically tapping keyboards while green text appears on a screen. Using sellotape to prevent paint from cracking as you hammer a nail into a wall is just a useful tip.
While it won't teach you how to break into your bank's internet records or call up local CCTV feeds, the following chart does give you some practical, simple advice on alternative uses for 16 household items. Some may seem obvious (best skip the disposable cups section), while others could help you out of a sticky situation in months to come (we'll only be using toothpaste on our trainers from now on).
Read the list, absorb the useful tips, and inevitably forget them all by the end of the day.
(Image: Shutterstock)
[Via: Fire Wire]