Has Belgium come up with the perfect solution to annoying ‘text-walkers’?
Has Belgium come up with the perfect solution to annoying ‘text-walkers’?

On the scale of 1 to Roy Keane, how incensed do you find yourself whenever confronted with commuters who text while walking in crowded areas? Or worse, while crossing the road?
Like most right-thinking folk, you’d probably find yourself hovering somewhere towards the hairier/angrier end of the spectrum. And with technology’s unshakable addiction showing no signs of abating, nor cityscapes becoming any less crowded, we might have to start taking this issue seriously.
The Belgians think they might just have the answer: text walking lanes.
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Yes. Move aside cyclists, out of our way buses, this novelty walkway was introduced by scientists from MLab after studies indicated erratic, sweary and even violent behaviour emerged where large crowds and 'texting while walking' was involved.
They’re not the first (Chongquingin China and Washington DC have already have them), nor will they be the last to introduce these semi-joke lanes, but as social experiments go, it could be a very important one.
Do you think they should be brought in over here? Let us know below. Or you can even text us providing you’re somewhere safe.
[Via Boredpanda.com]
[Images: Bored Panda]