As cockle-warming, Christmas-ey stories go, it’s hardly stacks up with It’s a Wonderful Life.
Fort Lauderdale in Florida is concocting a singularly intolerant stance to its homelessness issues, introducing a ‘one-way bus ticket’ scheme to rid its streets of vagrancy.
Yep, that’s giving the streetfolk a ticket out of town, never to return.
Merry Christmas.
“We’re not pushing them out,” said Mayor Jack Seiler, while pushing someone onto a bus (probably).
“If somebody has a network of support, a group of family and friends that will provide for them back home, that's probably a good place for them to be.”
New York has also tried a variation on the scheme, but going as far as to buy plane tickets for homeless people to ‘re-join their families’ in places as far away as Paris and Johannesburg.
Whatever helps you sleep at night…
[via The Palm Beach Post]
(Image: Rex Features)