'House of Cards' has officially revealed the fate of Frank Underwood
A new trailer has been unveiled

Netflix had a big ol’ problem on its hands when it fired Kevin Spacey from the upcoming season of their blockbuster TV show House of Cards: what the hell do we do with his character?
Well, it appears they’ve taken the very direct approach, as you’ll see in the just-dropped, super-tantalising trailer:
“I’ll tell you this though Frances, when they bury me it won’t be in my back yard,” Robin Wright’s character says in the clip. “And when they pay their respects they’ll have to wait in line.”
The teaser, released ahead of the drama’s return on 2 November, closely mirrors the words Frank Underwood delivered in front of his father’s grave in season three, before he unzips his fly and relieves himself all over the tombstone.
Obviously, it’s hard to not read parallels into Spacey’s own career; in many ways, it might as well say ‘RIP Kevin Spacey’s career’ on that gravestone.
But, curiously, Robin Wright hasn’t given up hope for Spacey to redeem himself.
“I believe every human being has the ability to reform,” she told Net-a-Porter recently.
“In that sense, second chances, or whatever you are going to call it – absolutely, I believe in that. It’s called growth.”
A Netflix spokesperson said earlier: “Golden Globe winner and Emmy Award nominee Robin Wright returns as President of the United States in the sixth and final season of the award-winning landmark series House of Cards. #MyTurn”
Joining the cast this season are Academy Award nominees Diane Lane and Greg Kinnear as well as Cody Fern.
(Image: Netflix)