The teaser trailer for House of Cards Season 5 is eerily dystopian
What kind of America are we going to find?

The writers for House of Cards must have watched the 2016 US primaries and election and just thought: “bugger”. After all, the scheming and twisting manipulation tactics employed by Frank and Claire Underwood look tame in comparison to the real-life drama of Donald Trump’s election as President.
However, if the dark, dystopian teaser trailer for Season 5 of the award-winning Netflix drama is anything to go by, they’re upping the ante for the new season. Check it out below:
An upsided-down stars and stripes? Some ghostly, automaton-style chanting by brainwashed children? Count us very much in for that.
The new series will hit Netflix on 30 May 2017 which, intriguingly, is three months later than in previous years, suggesting that the initial storyline direction may have altered to take into account Trump upping the political stakes. However, filming was underway in July, so obviously, they will not have been able to react to the final part of the real-life election campaign.
[*Spoilers below*]
Notwithstanding real life events, the show was already poised to break into anarchy as the end of Season 4 saw Frank react to Tom Hammerschmidt’s expose of him in the Washington Herald by using a terrorist execution of an American hostage as an excuse to send the nation into ‘total war’, addressing the nation and ordering that the full force of the military be used to combat terror around the world.
Kevin Spacey will, of course, return as the dastardly President Frank Underwood along with Robin Wright as his First Lady Claire. Michael Kelly is expected to reappear as Doug Stamper, Paul Sparks as writer Thomas Yates, Neve Campbell as political consultant LeAnn Harvey.
Mahershala Ali will not be back as Remy Danton, but there’ll be new additions to the cast in the form of Patricia Clarkson and Campbell Scott.
Meanwhile, this will be the first season without showrunner and originator of the modern day House of Cards Beau Willimon, who has been replaced by Melissa James Gibson and Frank Pugliese. However, don’t worry too much – Willimon wrote only two of the episodes in Season 4, so hopefully his departure won’t be felt too keenly, particularly as the show has a large range of executive producers – including Michael Dobbs, who wrote the original books, which were then adapted into a 1990 BBC miniseries – to step into the breach.
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