Put quite simply, we don't quite know what we'd do without eggs.
Having saved us from total starvation on many occasions (well, almost), eggs have proved to be the best food friend a man could hope to have.
But after poaching them, scrambling them, frying them and boiling them, we're in need of something a bit different. We spoke to Omar Allibhoy, owner of Tapas Revolution, who taught us how to make a tortilla, aka a new way of not getting bored of your eggs.
1kg of potatoes
1 Spanish Onion
Olive oil
A pinch of table salt
10 eggs aprox
Slice the potatoes and onions thinly (3mm thick) and fry them in the olive oil over a high heat till golden (around 12 -15 minutes) while stirring from time to time so they cook evenly. Drain them and mix with the eggs and season with a pinch of salt. If you have the time, leave the mix for at least 30 minutes.
To make the tortilla, place a non-stick pan over a medium heat and drizzle a bit of olive oil on it. Pour the tortilla mix inside the pan and lower the heat to a minimum. After five minutes, with the help of a plate (always wider than the pan) cover the pan and while holding it tight with your hand flip the side of the tortilla and slide the uncooked-side of the tortilla back into the pan (Note: if it is the first time you flip a tortilla, you better practice with the plate and an empty pan first). Depending on the size and depth of the pan in relation with the amount of tortilla mix, this will determine the amount of time it needs to be cooked. I recommend eating the tortilla when it’s still runny in the middle.
Serve it with aioli.
Tapas Revolution can be found in Westfield London and Bluewater Kent
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