Assassin's Creed fans are plagued by an odd compulsion most members of wider society will never experience. After long sessions of running over rooftops as a hooded shadow of justice, a walk to the local shops becomes an entirely different experience: every drainpipe becomes a route to a roof, every ledge and windowsill a new potential avenue to pick up some bread and milk. Unfortunately, life doesn't come with an X button.
The likes of Ronnie Shalvis and the French FreeRun Family aren't held back by such things. In this promotional stunt for Assassin's Creed Unity, the parkour athletes demonstrate that Paris' rooftops are ripe with handholds and springboards - you've just got to know where to look.
While we're sure we don't have to advise you, please don't try this at home. We fell from a lamppost once and buggered our knee - goodness knows what mischief falling from a rooftop would do. We'll just wait until Unity comes out on 28 October to go skipping over chimneys and railings.
(Images: YouTube)