Click here to rate this game! Click here to open the store! Download new levels here! Remove banner ads by downloading the full version here! LOADING. And that's before you've even finished the tutorial section of your new app.
Oh for a time when games were blocky, basic and brilliant - when buttons went "click" and high scores were a matter of playground reputation. A return to the good old days is exactly what Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka longs for. His new parody video highlights the broken experience offered by the vast majority of free apps and shoddy mobile releases, imaging what 1982's Pac Man would look like if it was released today.
Ironically, despite selling millions, the poor quality of Pac Man for the Atari 2600 shattered gamer's confidence in the brand and helped bring about the company's demise in 1983. So maybe freemium isn't all bad...