What do you get if you take a train, a bunch of talented freerunners, an elaborately made obstacle course resembling a classic platform game and a large quantity of Red Bull? Besides one of the stranger PR pitches of the year, you get the Jason Paul Arcade Run.
The most recent addition to Red Bull's increasingly confusing brand image (soft drinks company, F1 team, endorser of every dangerous sport ever conceived), this arcade run is a staggering spectacle of athleticism and camera work. Staged on a moving train, requiring hours of rehearsal in a warehouse, the project sees freerunner Jason Paul complete a series of impressive stunts in the style of a classic arcade platformer. Think Mario, but with more sugar.
And remember - Jason Paul is a professional. If you attempt this on the 17:43 out of Didcot Parkway you'll almost certainly die - no matter how much Red Bull you've consumed.
(Images: YouTube)