The latest meme highlights the hilarious difference between boyfriends' and girlfriends' Instagram captions
Why are we like this?

Ah, the little, everyday struggles of the modern relationship. Who’s making dinner tonight? Who’s going to the shop to buy the hangover provisions? Who gets to upload the really nice photo of the two of you to their Instagram page?
Personally, I feel both uploading the exact same photo can be a little cringe. A little too, “Oh hi! We’re in love! Did you know about it? Because we are! We’re in love and you’re not! Love!!!”
However, Instagram can act as much as a personal photo gallery to remind yourself of particular highlights of your life as it is a way to show off just how much brunch you’re eating, so I get why - if there’s a really nice photo of the pair of you on your anniversary, for example - you both might want to upload it.
Which means you have to use the caption to make your photo stand out in the extremely important Battle For Likes with your significant other - the only way to determine once and for all who is the Superior Relationship Being.
A new meme, accidentally started by Isabella Koval, who goes by @bellakoval on Twitter, is highlighting how boyfriends and girlfriends tend to caption their photos with very different tones. And yes, it’s exactly how you would expect - the women write nice, heartfelt, sincere captions, and the men make stupid jokes.
Bella tweeted out two screenshots of the same photo, one on her Instagram and one on her boyfriends. The caption on hers reads: “Always a blast w my bff”, while her boyfriend Justin wrote: “Sitting here trying to explain football to this uncultured swine.”
She told BuzzFeed: “My boyfriend rarely posts on any social media and I’m always telling him he should post more, so Saturday we went to the game, and I know nothing about football, and he was trying to explain the game to me, but I was too into my food.
“People are telling me to dump him, [but] everyone that knows us thinks those comments are hilarious.”
Her tweet has had more than 42,000 retweets, and has also inspired others to tweet out similar screenshots, all carrying very much the same message - men are crap at expressing sincere emotions.

Here we have, “Sean choked on a piece of cheese stuffed crust the other day and almost died, I’m glad he didn’t” vs. “Mary eats ass.” Delightful.

“My favourite person #mylove”, compared with “Ravioli ravioli give me the formioli”. I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean, but to be honest, I quite like it.

And here we have “I like green and dis boi”, next to “Some green shit”. Not really any way to speak about your girlfriend, is it?
Personally, I think the mistake they’re all making is uploading couple photos on the first place. Everyone knows Instagram is a place for solely putting up pictures of good cats and dogs you spot while going about your day.
More dogs, less green shit. Sorted.
(Images: Instagram)