Now we’re not going to say this hasn’t done before because, as you’ll appreciate, the world wide web is very big and we haven’t had a chance to check in every nook and cranny (don’t worry, we’re working on it), but we think this could be a first.
Movie-style posters advertising hit internet memes. From last year’s hilarious Fenton (which we’re imagining as some wacky Keystone Cops-type caper) and poignant The Golden Voice (we’re thinking The Shawshank Redemption grandeur) to Cats That Look Like Hitler (Mel Brooks can have this) and Leave Britney Alone (hmmm, what about something off the wall for this? Get Michel Gondry or Wes Anderson involved), this is an inspired and nifty idea pulled off with panache by Stefan Van Zoggel.
We’re just annoyed we didn’t think of it first. Not that our lack of design proficiency would have held us back. No siree.
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