Jeremy Clarkson gets American makeover for 'The Grand Tour', ends up looking like Alan Partridge
It's uncanny

In news that will absolutely delight your ever-so-slightly racist uncle (the one you never loved, even as a child, when love came so easily to you, for the world was naught but cuddles and sunshine) and give him a welcome break from sharing Brexit memes on Facebook, The Grand Tour is back.
The second series arrives on Amazon Prime on December 8th, and ahead of it, Jeremy Clarkson and James May have shared images of themselves with ‘US makeovers’. Whitened teeth, spray tans and fairly sick wigs ahoy.

(We’re not sure where Richard Hammond is. Given that the first episode of this series features him crashing an electric car off a cliff and busting into flames, he might have been busy.)

While they’re probably going for a Trump gag, it’s really hard to look at that picture of Clarkson and not immediately see Alan Partridge. That killer parting and blazer/tie combo is straight from Norfolk’s favourite son.

Abso-bloody-exactly spot on
Alan Partridge creator Steve Coogan is unlikely to show up on The Grand Tour any time soon, after branding Clarkson “dull” and “a bully”, and comparing Richard Hammond and James May to kids that hang around the mean kid in school, “holding his coat as he beats up the boy with the stutter”.
Critics of Clarkson are also unlikely to be swayed by this new series and the decision to include an all-dude lineup of guests, including Luke Evans, Kiefer Sutherland, Hugh Bonneville, Kevin Pietersen, Dominic Cooper, Dynamo, Rory McIlroy, Michael Ball and Alfie Boe.
Hey, here’s a trailer!
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