John Oliver just reminded the US what it lost gaining independence
John Oliver just reminded the US what it lost gaining independence

What did America ever gain from winning Independence on 4 July 1776?
The right to bear arms. The right to make amendments that aren’t amendable. Monster trucks. The title of 1996’s hit blockbuster starring Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum.
Lots, basically, some of it good and some not so good. But while our American counterparts haven't looked back on their route to becoming the world’s biggest superpower – both militarily and cinematically – John Oliver of HBO’s Last Week Tonight has just made them think twice about their ongoing freedom since being released from the shackles of Blighty.
In lieu of an episode this week, the British host took the opportunity of having a rare weekend off to post a holiday message on the show’s Facebook channel, reminding US viewers what their country lost by leaving the British Empire.
Ever the Brit, Oliver's self-deprecation on behalf of his entire nation is exemplary.
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