KFC are selling some surprisingly good merch - and one piece costs $20,000
That'd be a lot of bargain buckets

You didn’t know you wanted a fried chicken sweater, but now you can’t think of wearing anything else.
Yes, it turns out that KFC sell other things besides chicken. We’re not talking about gravy, fries or those weird milkshakes, though – the fast food giants have their own clothing and accessories range, and it actually looks OK.
For example, you can buy this tasteful (geddit) sweater for $76 (£58.42). Or, if you want it phrased in terms with which you’re more familiar, the equivalent of three 14-piece Bargain Buckets and two Fillet Burgers.

Elsewhere in their shop you can find this ‘TechniColonel’ (we know) T-shirt, which comes in at $34 (£26.12), or four Big Daddy box meals. A poultry sum, you’ll agree (shut up).

In addition to the sweaters and T-shirts, which range from minimalist to overcrowded, you can get a KFC framed print, pillowcase or even a meteorite.
That’s right, you can get a genuine one-of-a-kind meteorite moulded into the shape of a Zinger burger – described as ‘a very significant and very heavy piece of chicken sandwich space travel history’, for the low, low price of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Oh, and in case you needed telling, KFC have reminded you that the meteorite is ‘not fit for human consumption’. Well obviously, it’s not a Zinger Tower meteorite.
(Images: KFC Limited)
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