Ahhh, young love. Making tea and crumpets on a Sunday morning. Cuddling up under a blanket on a cold winter’s night. Pranking your fiancée so ferociously that she is literally rolling around on the floor in tears. There’s nothing else like it!
Game of Thrones power couple Kit Harington and Rose Leslie (aka Jon Snow and Ygritte) recently announced their engagement, and obviously we’re all very happy for them - it’s nice when an on-screen romance translates into the real world, even if Leslie’s character is now dead, and Jon has now moved on with another woman.
On Saturday night, Harington was on Jonathan Ross to chat about his new BBC drama, Gunpowder, but of course, the topics of Rose and GoT cropped up too.
When discussing their relationship, Kit decided to lift the lid on a story from April Fools’ Day - something that is very big in his family, but, uh, very much not in Rose’s.
As an actor in Game of Thrones, you might assume that Kit could be in possession of some very useful props when it comes to pranking or scaring your partner - and you’d be right. How’s an extremely realistic model of your own head for size?
On the morning of 1 April, Kit thought it’d be funny to leave it in the fridge. This picture should surmise how it went down quite nicely:

Kit’s fake head, and Rose’ reaction
“My family does April Fools,” Kit told Jonathan, “Her family doesn’t do April Fools. She didn’t know the date and after that she was in tears. And I was there going, ‘April Fools!’ It didn’t go down well. It was far [from] the reaction I had hoped for. When my laughing died down, it took some making up… She pretty much told me if I did it ever again that would be it and I think that’s marriage included.”
A roaring success, then? I mean honestly, if a prank doesn’t make your fiancée threaten to break up with you, clearly it wasn’t a very good prank.
Here’s the clip of Kit telling the story, which also includes some home footage of the actual moment Rose discovered the severed head (yep, he filmed it). It is 100% worth a few minutes of your time.
Kit and Jonathan also discussed the one prop he’d most like to take away from the show, and it was a pretty obvious one - Jon Snow’s sword, Longclaw.
Unfortunately for Kit, however, acting the character for close to a decade probably won’t be enough to allow him that privilege.
“I’ve had my eye on [my] sword since season one. Longclaw. They are not going to give it to me, it’s too valuable now… I ask every year. I am going to ask this year more than ever.”
It seems like a lifesize replica of your own face and millions and millions of dollars is all you can expect for starring in Game of Thrones these days. What a load of rubbish.
(Main image: Rex)
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