We've never thought about entering a talent contest. Partly because air guitar can't be classed as a skill but also because we reckon Simon Cowell would rip us to shreds, which is why we've got the utmost respect for anyone who manages to impress the man. One person who did just that is songwriter, singer and producer Labrinth, who was the first non-talent show artist to be signed by Syco in six years. As if that wasn't enough he's also an incredibly stylish chap, so we asked him his top five style icons...

David Bowie – Musician
“Musicians don’t dress the way they used to. David Bowie, as well as Michael Jackson and Prince, expressed themselves through their clothes, as if it was an extension of their music. I guess one way you could describe it would be like a sort of pantomime. The only person that does that at the moment is Lady Gaga.”

Malcolm X – Political activist
“In my industry you have to take fashion pretty seriously. I have my own stylist, who helped me come up with my look. We created a mood board and had a mix of different styles. We narrowed it down to Malcolm X’s whole Nation of Islam thing with the big suits and geeky glasses.”

Oswald Boateng - Designer
“I’ve worn a few of his designs over the past couple of years. His suits are pretty insane and always brightly coloured. One of my favourites was a bright green silk suit and a brown corduroy one with jodhpurs, which I wore to the Brit Awards last year. I got to meet him recently when I was shooting an advert outside his shop on Saville Row. It was such an honour.”

Alexander McQueen - Designer
“Although our industries are completely different, I can really identify with Alexander McQueen. I get how important his art was to him and for him to express himself. He had so much passion for his work. As an artist I can completely relate to that.”

The Temptations – Musicians
“Stars from the Fifties and Sixties like Marlon Brando, particularly in A Street Car named Desire will always be cool to me. But it's really The Temptations that have had a massive influence on my style. Mainly because of the sharp suits and the haircuts. Then again, I really like the Boardwalk Empire look too. I tried to get hold of the suits but couldn’t find out where they were from, apparently they’re all made bespoke.”
Labrinth is headlining at The Evolution Experience, the launch of Wrigley’s new 5 Gum flavor Evolution. For more information and tickets visit facebook.com/5GumUK
(Images: Rex Features)