Man plays incredible saxophone without a saxophone
Man plays incredible saxophone without a saxophone

Has there ever been a song which hasn't been improved by the addition of a saxophone? Let us clear that one up right now: no, there hasn't.
So this unnamed Liverpool man's life must be a constant joy, as he can add sax parts to his whole day, without even needing to get an instrument out of its case. This amazing clip shows him creating a perfect sax sound using just his mouth, casually honking his way through a few bars of Henry Mancini's classic Pink Panther theme, almost dismissive of the fact that God has blessed him with a talent that millions could only dream of possessing.
It's a welcome reminder of the majesty of the sax: indeed, even Noel Gallagher features one on his latest album and declared that "the saxophone is a powerful instrument".
It was invented by Adolphe Sax in 1840 to fill the middle ground between the brasher brass and quieter woodwind sounds; one should never forget that despite being made of brass, they are in fact officially part of the woodwind family. You can use that one at dinner parties, it's our gift to you.
There can be no doubt that the peak of the instrument thus far was in 1984, with the opening refrain of George Michael's Careless Whisper taking listeners to a hitherto unexperienced level of aural ecstasy. Played by Steve Gregory and repeated many millions of times around the world since, it is to the saxophone what Rachminov's Third is to the pianoforte. Oh, and Baker Street's not bad either.
Enjoy the power of Careless Whisper with the two videos below - how long can you manage in the 10-hour challenge?