Man uploads hip Facebook profile picture, Internet creates hilarious new meme
Hipster shot goes viral

The internet can be a deeply unforgiving and immensely cruel place at times.
It’s also rather good at Photoshop, as one New York-based graphic designer Ivor Noyek found out to his detriment this past weekend after his Facebook profile picture was turned into a new internet meme.
The picture in question - which shows him strolling down woodland near Catskill Mountains in southeastern New York, hands wedged into the tops of his skinny jeans pockets, aviators on, giving off the general demeanour of a hipster lost on his way to a Bon Iver gig - was taken by Francesco Orlandi, tagged by Noyek as ‘paparazzi man’ on a Facebook comment.
From there, things quickly escalated, with another friend replying with an edited version of the image which turned it into a poster for a new Werner Herzog film entitled Street Sailor - which, let’s be honest, sounds great - and so the hashtag #ivoriscoming was born.
Here are some of the best pick of the spoofery, with three of our own homages to this modern day hero at the bottom.
[Via: Mashable]


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