Newsflash: Meryl Streep was at the Oscars last night! Stop the presses, STOP ALL THE ACTUAL PRESSES THIS INSTANT! She was also - and I hope you’ve got your hard-hats on, because here comes another low-flying newsflash - up for another award. This time, Little Bo Streep was up for the Best Actress gong for her role in The Post, the gritty re-imagining of the Postman Pat origin story.
She didn’t end up winning - the statue went to Frances McDormand - but she didn’t slip under the radar, oh no. Because the year is 2018, and memes have to be created, so the fact that Streep looked a bit like the fairy godmother from Shrek meant the trusty internet went wild.
And by wild, I mean people did this:
And so on. Although it is worth noting that particularly eagle-eyed viewers noticed this a whole year ago:
But hey! Sometimes I tweet something and nobody cares about it or even notices it - maybe I’ll have to wait a year for my radical ideas and pithy quips to gather a bit of traction. I’ll be here in the bin, waiting, if you need me.
Read more: All the best jokes, quotes and speeches from last night’s Oscars
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(Image: Rex)
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