If you get to the end of this video without smashing something in rage then you are truly special

Many of you will be aware of the joys of ASMR: videos of people softly, delicately, doing very precise things and whispering at you, inducing a spine-tinglingly pleasant sensation in the viewer.
Well, this is the exact opposite of that.
Behold, this excruciatingly frustrating animated video, entitled ‘LIFE IS PAIN’, which has been created by 4096 RED.
If you can make it to the end without punching your screen, you’re a better person than I.
Still here? OK, you’re a better person than me. And probably richer too, seeing as I’ve (literally) gone through three monitors trying to write this.
The video has inspired a ‘mixed’ reaction in the YouTube comments section:

It’s clearly been influenced by the below, ‘The Most Unsatisfying Video in the World ever made’ which was brought into our world by Luksan Wunder back in February 2017. It’s just horrible.
Still, maybe there’s a beauty in frustration? Hmmm, we’re not convinced.
If you’ve made it this far, then we leave you with this GIF, which will probably lead you to, at the very least, commit multiple murders.
(Image: 4096 Red)