In all of the literature and cinema involving the exploration of Mars, one key aspect has been overlooked: what the hell we're going to eat when we're there.
Eager to right this dastardly wrong, NASA are on the lookout for intergalactic chefs. They are putting together a four-month simulation in Hawaii where volunteers aim to develop a suitable menu for a hypothetical trip to the Red Planet.
The foodies would spend the time in imitation spacesuits on a diet of regular astronaut food. They'll also be cooking a variety of durable meals to see what will and won't work in the environment. NASA are obviously keen to focus on healthy, cheap food that doesn't cause any sickness. No shellfish then.
As well as a heavy interest in food, you'll also need a Bachelor’s degree in engineering, biological or physical sciences, mathematics, or computer science. Oh and an active imagination.
You can apply here if you like.
[via Newser]
(Image: All Star)
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