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Netflix is streaming the most talked about superhero movie of the year - for all the wrong reasons

The biggest Marvel flop in recent years is now available to stream...

A much-discussed superhero movie has come to Netflix in the US, but the headlines around this one haven’t been so positive.

Madame Web is the latest addition to the Netflix US library, a film with a downright stinky 11% Rotten Tomatoes freshness score.

Some of you may be wondering — why is a Marvel movie on Netflix? This is a Sony property at present, as it own the movie rights to Spider-Man and his associated characters.

Madame Web isn’t an MCU film, even if it is based around Marvel characters.

We picture plenty of folks sticking Madame Web on out of curiosity, in spite of its poor reviews. It stars Dakota Johnson as Cassandra Webb, a Manhattan paramedic who gains psychic skills that let her see future events.

The Independent’s 1-star review called it a “Spider-Man spin-off devoid of internal logic and good dialogue.

"Oh, what a mangled web they’ve weaved,” said the Chicago Sun-Times’s 1.5/4 review, calling Madame Web “a dud.”

The Telegraph also gave Madame Web 1/5, casting it as an “unreservedly hopeless film.”

Oh dear. And even one of the most positive reviews out there called it “one of the worst superhero movies in years.”

This was Slate, which painted Madame Web as a future camp classic. “It might not be the kind of fun its makers intended it to be, but that doesn’t make it any less of a good time,” it says.

Interest piqued?

There’s a better chance than not you missed Madame Web at the cinema because, well, apparently just about everyone did.

It came away with a $100 million global gross according to Box Office Mojo. That may sound like a lot of money, and it is. But it’s also just half the gross of the worst-performing MCU film, The Marvels,

The last main-line Spider-Man flick, Far from Home, made $1.13 billion.

Madame Web was an epic flop. Now it’s time to find out why.

UK-based? Our best bet is the film will come to NOW TV and Sky Cinema first, although we’re yet to hear any clues as to when.