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New Gadget Promises The Perfect Cup Of Tea

Calling all tea drinkers.

07 January 2015

If there are two things we really like in the office, it's tea and puns. So forgive us if we get very excited about the 'Tealightful Timer'.

  • Make sure your kettle is up to the job with our best kettle review

The tea infuser - currently at Kickstarter phase - promises to enable you to create the perfect cup of tea, by utilising a tea leaf/bag compartment with its own timer. The device will then let water circulate for the desired amount of time, before the compartment automatically seals up, using a mechanism similar to an egg timer, locking the leaves or bag in. Over time, you can learn the exact brewing period for the optimum cuppa, and then use it every time.

It measures 7 inches by 2 inches, so is suitable for pretty much any size or shape vessel. Our core beliefs suggest that a good old mug is always the best, but each to their own.

You can get your very own Tealightful Timer by pledging $25 (£17) or more - head to the Kickstarter to get involved.

Now, how much milk to put in?
