One girl in China falls down a drain while walking and texting
One girl in China falls down a drain while walking and texting

Oh how you scoffed when we brought you news of Belgium’s answer to people who text while walk. Well now it might be time to put back on your serious face now one girl in China has suffered the indignity of being trapped in a drain due to mobile phone use.
The young woman was taking a stroll in Mianyang City, southwest China, while texting a friend when the bizarre accident occurred, leaving her wedged between bars and suffering the indignity of someone having to call the fire brigade. Her slender limbs happened to go through the largest of all the gaps in the drain, sending her plunging. Gravity and her body mass confined her to this rather unfortunate spectacle.
Lucky for her the injury wasn’t too bad. Fire brigade spokesman Ming Lai said of the debacle: "We managed to remove the bars and quickly freed her once we arrived at the scene. Her leg was a bit scratched and bruised and numb from being squeezed through the bars, but she quickly recovered and not need hospital treatment."
Still, at least she has a good anecdote the next time she's using WhatsApp.
[Via: Metro]