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One of the biggest shows of all time is now streaming on Netflix

Prepare to get 'lost' in the mystery all over again...

One of the biggest shows of all time is now streaming on Netflix in the US, after a big streaming stint on Hulu.

Lost is rightly regarded as one of the greatest shows ever made and was part of the 'event TV' influx that we saw in the early 2000s.

Created by Jeffrey Lieber, JJ Abrams, and Damon Lindelof the show lasted for six years and six seasons - but its impact and 'black box' story writing formula has inspired many since.

Plot-wise, we would need a few thousand words to map out the intricacies of the thing but it all starts with a plane crashing on a mysterious island and things get a helluva lot weirder from there on in.

In short, without Lost we wouldn't have the likes of WestWorld, The Leftovers, Manifest and Fringe.

Image Credit: ABC

All six seasons of the show are now streaming on Netflix, with the site noting on its Tudum website that in 20 years the way we consume shows may have changed, but Lost's impact has not.

"Back then, audiences had to wait a whole week in between episodes — and spent those days (and the breaks between seasons) digging into every detail of the show on an internet landscape very different from the one we have today," says Tudum.

"Twitter didn’t exist in 2003, Myspace was brand-new, and Reddit wasn’t even launched until 2005. Watching Lost now is a completely different experience than it was then, but it can be just as good."

If you aren't in the US, then the good news is that Lost seems to be readily available to stream on other platforms. In the UK, for instance, all episodes are on Disney Plus.