I’ll let you into a little secret and tell you two things in this life that I really love.
Number one: pizza.
It’s delicious when it’s hot, it’s delicious when it’s cold, it’s delicious when it’s a high-end one from a gourmet restaurant, it’s delicious when it’s a 12-incher for a fiver from the shop round the corner. It’s particularly delicious when you’re eating it on an Italian riviera in the sunshine with a delicious beer to accompany and a delicious ice cream to follow.
You literally cannot go wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad pizza.
Number two: Bath.
What a brilliant city. Admittedly, it lies just off the M4 - the dullest motorway in the world - which is a minus against it, but still, what a beautiful place it is. The Royal Crescent, the Abbey, the Spa, I cannot get enough of it. Just take a gander at this - fantastic:

The Royal Crescent, Bath
Now fair play, that super-squished photo doesn’t really do it justice but honestly, pop there for a weekend, you won’t regret it.
Which leads me nicely on to what, for me, would be the perfect job.
Bath Pizza Co. has just listed a job to be a pizza taster.
Just to be clear, in case you haven’t been following: I like both pizza and Bath, meaning that being a pizza-taster in Bath is right up my street.
It’s only part-time, requiring just two hours a week, but the salary is described as ‘competitive with serious pizza perks’ and, besides, would free me up to just walk round Bath all day.
You’ll need to be “knowledgeable - you’ll know a Margherita from a Marinara” (yep), “an experienced pizza eater with a cultured palate” (yep), a “good communicator to feedback to our chefs” (yep) and “passionate about all things pizza” (yep) - ultimately you’ll earn “the chance to try each of our pizzas and influence our menu”.
Bath Pizza Co. say they’ll even cover your travel expenses, which means you can just commute down to Bath once a week for some pizza and a bit of sightseeing. Maybe make a long weekend of it.
You can fill in a form to apply right here but basically don’t bother because I’ve got this one sewn up. Better luck next time guys.
(Images: Cel Lisboa/David Iliff)
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