This blob could mean the end of plastic water bottles
A little piece of genius which could help save our environment

Plastic bottles are one of the biggest problems facing the environment right now.
But this could be the answer to our problems. Vice is reporting that London’s Skipping Rocks Lab have crowdfunded £605k in two days to undergo mass production of miniature edible water blobs, which have the excellent name ‘Ooho!’
Take a look at them below:
The ‘Ooho!’ is made up of brown algae and calcium chloride. Essentially, mix the two together, trap the water inside it, jobs a good’n.
You can either pop the full thing in your mouth and eat it as is or alternatively pierce the ‘skin’ and have a little sip.
YouTube channel Inhabitat have provided us with the luxury of a quick how to, below:
Not only is this great environmentally, but also business wise: it’s biodegradable and cheaper, quicker and easier to produce than plastic packaging.
The company has hopes that it will take off in the sporting industry as well as the consumer market, but never mind that: I just can’t help but think of the water fights. They’re going to look sick.