Open a tab on Google Chrome and grab your smartphone.
Don't ask questions, just do it.
Got the Google Chrome app? Of course you do, you're not a mug. Head to the website on your computer.
Then prepare to not do any work for the rest of the day.
The result of a Google collaboration with Disney's new Star Wars romp (you can read our spoiler-free review here) the tech giant's 'Experiment' team has created the greatest web game we've ever encountered: transforming your smartphone into a lightsaber, allowing you to manipulate a blade on a linked computer to battle through waves of stormtroppers.
Following on screen prompts, the Lightsaber Escape game directs both your phone and PC Chrome browsers to unique URL codes that share data between the browsers instantaneously. The system works using Polymer - which you can read about at length here.
Sure the game is 'simple' - seeing you to waft your smartphone about with all the grace of Jar Jar in an effort to block laser beams - but it's a joyous interaction reminiscent of those first moments of playing with a Nintendo Wii. And you're doing it for free! With your ruddy phone!
Your move, Firefox.