Project 007: New James Bond game in development by the makers of Hitman
Project 007 is bringing Bond to a console near you.

As perfect a pairing as a tuxedo and a Walther PPK, IO Interactive, the makers of Hitman, have revealed that they are making a James Bond game.
Called Project 007 (a working title, apparently), not much is known about the game but it is a massive surprise and one that was teased only very recently.
IO Interactive had put in a Twitter post that the were going to reveal something special and that is an official James Bond game.
Not a hug amount is known about what IO Interactive has up its sleeve but this is said to be "a wholly original story. Earn your 00 status in the very first James Bond origin story".
This could mean all manner of things but it looks like we are going to see a younger James Bond (one even younger than the flashback scene in Casino Royale where Daniel Craig earned his stripes) and it is likely given the developer to be a stealth, assassin-based game.
Project 007 (working title) is a brand new James Bond video game with a wholly original story. Earn your 00 status in the very first James Bond origin story, to be developed and published by @IOInteractive.
— James Bond (@007) November 19, 2020
The game will come out after the tenure of Daniel Craig as James Bond (we're guessing, unless the film is indefinitely in hiatus due to lockdown and the like) which means that Craig only really had two stabs at a Bond game
There was the remake of GoldenEye 007 by Nintendo that ported him into the role that was inhabited by Pierce Brosnan. Then there was Blood Stone, which also starred Joss Stone (who sang the theme tune) and Dame Judi Dench (who did not sing the theme tune).
Reviews were mixed.
While we await the Project 007 remake, have your say on who should be the new James Bond and what are the best James Bond films.