Retro VHS Recreations of Contemporary Films & Shows
Retro VHS Recreations of Contemporary Films & Shows
"The tracking's off."
"Wiggle the SCART lead."
"Flip the top open and blow on the tape, that usually works."
Along with the loss of the above wisdom, ours is the last generation that's set to fully appreciate the nostalgic brilliance of Stan VHS' art series.
After having his love of the traditional medium of film cassettes rekindled by 2008's Be Kind Rewind, Paris-based artist Stan (he doesn't give a surname) set about making VHS replicas of his favourite modern films.
In addition to the stunning art work, each box contains a fully function VHS version of the modern release, after Stan worked with a friend on converting the DVDs to cassettes. Currently little more than a passion project, Stan aims to open an "old" VHS store. We doubt they'll have the same resurgence as the vinyl, but this unique collection is worthy of a place next to anyone's steel book line up. You can see Stan's full Tumblr page here.
(Images: Stan VHS)
[Via: Geek Art]