It's pleasing to discover that scientists are tackling the big issues; the ones that really matter and will have profound effects on human existence for centuries to come.
And luckily, in between all that trivial stuff about the cure for cancer and the global warming of the planet, they've proved that mozzarella is the best possible pizza topping.
Researches from the University of Auckland, New Zealand have published a paper entitled "Quantification of Pizza Baking Properties of Different Cheeses, and their Correlation with Cheese Functionality", which aimed to "quantify the pizza baking properties and performance of different cheeses, including the browning and blistering."
They made pizzas topped with seven different cheeses and then used specialised equipment to measure oil content, the level of browning and blistering, the cheeses' water content and elasticity. Mozzarella won out as its high elasticity leads to it forming bubbles whilst cooking, allowing the oil it contains to slide to the surface to brown.
Other cheeses may brown well, but not bubble and, hence, not blister in such an interesting way.
Watch the video below for the full explanation and be truly thankful that these experts have done the hard work, so that we can truly savour the flavour.
(Images: Shutterstock/University of Auckland)
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