You all thought Iron Fist was the big kung-fu man at Marvel, did you? Well, you thought WRONG. You thought wrong for two reasons, and they are:
1) Well, Iron Fist ended up being a bit shit didn’t he?
2) You forgot about Shang-Chi, didn’t you?
Yep, next up is Shang-Chi, the other bloke that’s really good at kicking and punching. And he’s going to get his own movie, not just a poxy TV series! He was all set to appear in Netflix’s Iron Fist, but obviously when that got cancelled, those plans were shelved, and instead he’s heading to the big screen.
What’s also of note is that his will be the first Marvel movie to be headlined by an Asian character (and hopefully, actor, come on guys). The character, who becomes an ass-kicking martial arts expert after training under Fu Manchu, is set to enter the MCU during Phase 4 under the writing talent of Chinese-American writer Dave Callaham. Marvel are also reportedly looking for an Asian or Asian-American director.
This is all very promising, because Iron Fist -THE MOVIE ABOUT THE MARTIAL ARTS EXPERT - ended up being portrayed by a person who didn’t know how to fight, and directed by people who didn’t know how to film fight scenes. Let’s make sure we get some people on board who know what they’re doing this time around, yeah?
Here’s a quick primer of the character, to whet your appetites for some roundhouses:
Hi-YA! Or something similar.
(Image: YouTube)
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