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Simon Pegg sneak peek

Exclusive gallery of the 'Paul' star

Simon Pegg sneak peek
07 February 2011

In 2011, there are a number of ways in which you can betray your country. You could refuse to pledge allegiance to the Queen (capital Q, always), you could choose a continental breakfast over a fry-up or you could claim not to be a fully-fledged fan of Simon Pegg. We're not suggesting any sort of public execution to resolve matters, but a good long look at yourself should help. It may also be wise to pick up this week's copy of ShortList as he's our cover star.

The enviably funny writer and star of the new sci-fi comedy Paul reveals all about the film's production in an exclusive piece and we also had the chance to meet him in Vancouver to take these shots. You can read the full article in this week's issue. You'll like it. Or we'll fetch the noose.

(Test yourself on our Spaced quiz or for more Pegg-related content, see below. Follow us on Twitter to be first to read our Simon Pegg exclusive feature, this week.)

(Images: Paul Stuart)

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images

Simon Pegg Images