A six-year-old has coined a brilliant new word and it might be going in the dictionary
He's naming it after himself, the big-head

What were you doing when you were six? I can guess, and I bet it smelled like cabbage. What you definitely weren’t doing was coining new actual words and campaigning to get them in the dictionary. You were not spotting gaps in the English language or finding definitions of things that had no words assigned to them yet. You were plodding about, banging a bouncy ball aimlessly into the concrete, you lazy little twerp.
However, Levi Budd, from Victoria, Canada, was doing the ‘English language thing’, or more accurately, is doing the English language thing, because he’s come up with a new word, and against all odds, there’s a good chance it could end up in the dictionary.
Basically, one day when Yung Levi was in a car, he noticed the word ‘STOP’ on a sign, and noted that it read ‘POTS’ backwards, then, all in a flutter, asked his parents “What do we call a word that spells another word backwards?”
Thing is - shock horror - there ain’t no word for that! This small child, 2017 years after God gave birth to the world, has discovered a gap in the dictionary, while you sit on the sofa, at 32 years old, putting batteries in the remote the wrong way round and wondering why it isn’t working.
“But what about a palindrome? WHAT ABOUT A PALINDROOOOOOME?” you screech, like a disgusting bat. Well, that only applies to a word that is spelled the same backwards, not a word that creates a completely new one.
Still, the similarities are there, and so Levi has taken the ‘drome’ ending of ‘palindrome’, and come up with ‘levidrome’, named after himself, in an astonishingly arrogant move for a child of so few years.
Now, in an attempt to go down in history, Levi’s dad is tirelessly working to get his son’s word officially recognised by the Merriam Webster dictionary. Here’s a campaign video they made to convince them:
Supposedly, all that’s required to get a word into the dictionary, is a sufficient amount of popular usage. As such, celebrities such as William Shatner (Captain Star Trek from Star Trek) have joined the cause to spread the word:
And the large dogs at the Big Book of Words have already replied:
I have to say I’m impressed - I had loads of words I used to use as a kid, and none of them ever made it into the dictionary. Must have been because Twitter wasn’t around then - if it was, we’d all be using ‘garyustocot’ every time we sneezed and farted at the same time.
(Image: Youtube LuckyBudd)