Someone's Trying To Sell Tickets To The 'New Earth' (But The Journey Could Kill You)
Someone's Trying To Sell Tickets To The 'New Earth' (But The Journey Could Kill You)
You may remember last week, when NASA made a small announcement about finding a new ‘Earth.’ A planet, much like ours that’s a mere 1,400 light years away and in theory could support human life.
You know, basically one of the most exciting spacey discoveries in decades.
The planet, known as Kepler-452b (which isn't named after some weird avant-garde Berlin-based electric band as far as we know), sent the world head-over-helicopters for space travel, so it was only a matter of time that someone would try and take advantage of it.
Enter the Chinese version of eBay, TaoBao, where one entrepreneurial usuer has decided to offer “immigration status tickets” for a mere .2 yuan (£0.21) for any budding cosmonaughts that fancy a trip to the final frontier.
Obviously, the user in question (whose name doesn’t translate to English) hasn’t specified exactly how you might be able to travel to the planet in question but that probably doesn’t really matter considering that it’d effectively take a millennium-and-a-half to travel there. And that’s relying on the chance that you’re in a spacecraft that could travel at the speed of light.
Chances of anyone surviving then are pretty slim. Still, we admire the user's business skills.
[Via: CNET]