We finally know when ‘Space Jam 2’ is coming out and you bet we’re excited
We've waited more than 20 years for this

If we know anything about anything, it’s that people really, really, really love the 90s.
And fair enough, really. The 90s had The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, it had The Big Lebowski and it had ‘Sunchyme’ by Dario G. Honestly, what’s not to like?
It also had Space Jam, one of the best films ever made, and you bet we’re excited by the news that the sequel to the classic sports movie has a release date.
The original was released in November 1996, back when Robson & Jerome were top of the UK charts and England footballer Dele Alli was only a few months old.
It makes sense, then to hold out a little longer for the 25th anniversary to unleash number two on the unsuspecting world. Okay, fine, they’ll probably have a bunch of trailers so I guess the world will be a bit suspecting.
Anyway, it’s coming out in July 2021, according to The Hollywood Reporter, with Ryan Coogler and LeBron James already attached.
The big question, of course, is whether the sequel can live up to the brilliance of the original with Michael Jordan and Danny DeVito.
We’ll at least see the return of Warner Bros’ animated characters, though, and it’s right about time Bugs Bunny underwent a John Travolta in Pulp Fiction-style career renaissance.
In addition to the Space Jam 2 announcement, Warner Bros has confirmed Godzilla vs Kong has been brought forward to March 2020, which is nice.
That’s right, Godzilla vs Kong. With Eiza Gonzalez (Baby Driver), Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things) and Alexander Skarsgård (True Blood). Sounds pretty good.