Halloween is out of the way so we can all look forward to the next big calendar date of the year: that’s right, the release of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.
And your excitement levels are about to hit warp speed (hang on, that’s the other one isn’t it) once you feast your eyes on this brand new trailer.
It’s the third clip we’ve seen, following April’s teaser trailer and October’s luxurious two minute affair - this one is an all-action 50 second clip which wastes no time in giving us a taste of what to expect in December - and there’s a tantalising glimpse of Luke Skywalker back in the ship that began it all - the Millennium Falcon (reminder to get the 7,500-piece LEGO version on your Christmas list if you haven’t done so already).
We also get a better look at Snoke’s throne room and a whoop from Finn, played by Brit actor John Boyega.
We’ll stop talking, and you start watching:
The film hits UK cinemas on 15 December and, just so you don’t have to waste any more pesky clicks, here are those previous clips (plus some behind-the-scenes footage) so you’re fully up-to-date:
See you in the front row yeah?
(Image: AllStar)
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