Stewart Lee to curate next year’s All Tomorrow's Parties Festival
Stewart Lee to curate next year’s All Tomorrow's Parties Festival

If Stewart Lee were a band, we like to think he would be one which shuns stadia bookings in favour of dingier, hipper, more ‘alt’ venues – just as he does with his stand-up.
So then, it makes perfect sense that the deadpan comic has been revealed as the curator of next April’s ATP Festival, which will once again see hordes of hipsters absconding their urban environments to descend on Pontins holiday camp in the name of music and copious rounds of crazy golf.
The latest All Tomorrow's Parties event is being held at the Pontins camp in Prestatyn, North Wales between 15 and 17 April 2016 and the first wave of artists will be announced soon.
Stewart joins the limited but nonetheless illustrious names of Matt Groening and the Chapman Brothers as non-musical figures to curate the festival. Though it’s worth making note that Lee is a huge music buff, regularly appearing on radio and in newspapers to talk about his passion for it: jazz, folk and alt indie are just some of his favourite genres, while he famously has something of a soft spot for The Fall.
Of the announcement, and teasing just what he might have in store for us, Lee said:
“Of all the ATPs I've attended, the 2001 weekend, when Tortoise curated it and laid American free jazz, European improv noise, alternative country rock, alienating stand-up comedy, ambient electronica, Eighties hardcore, Seventies CBGBs nostalgia, smart-arse post punk, Dutch anarcho-jazz and all manner of unexpected cross-currents on curious young people, remains a pivotal point in my musical education. It's a great honour to be allowed to attempt something similar. Bring bucket, spade, swimwear and an open mind.”
If that sounds like your bag, you can buy tickets now. Details below.
Limited Tier 1 price Early Bird tickets (at £40 and £30 off Full Price per person) are on sale now.
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