Stop-motion karate is like Street Fighter in real life
Stop-motion karate is like Street Fighter in real life

Karate. As easy as turning up to a local fitness centre on a Saturday morning, being thrown over the shoulders of older men for a few hours and getting a yellow belt for the trouble. Or green if you lasted that long.
The Cobra Kai wouldn’t exactly be knocking down your door, sure, but it was still a great way to tell your mates you could definitely beat up Bruce Lee.
And had we seen this super alternative style of karate back in our younger days then perhaps we’d have tried a bit harder at it. Created by the unfailingly wacky Corridor Digital, this fight employs stop-motion and an aerial viewpoint to create what could be the most epic rumble ever, if it were real.
Augmented by an equally retro beat ‘em up soundtrack, the moves and combos are visually stunning. It’s like watching Street Fighter, just if Ryu had a paunch and Ken had ailing joints.
We won't spoil it for you but the ending is genuinely great.