Everyone goes mad for Stranger Things, which is why they don’t really need to try hard with their teasers. Simply bung the episode titles against that famous theme music, then have the logo come in at the end and the whole internet will go doolally.
And so that’s exactly what they done with the new teaser for Season 3, which you can watch below, if you like video clips devoid of any actual footage:
Exciting? No? Possibly not, but then again, possibly.
What we’ve got here is all eight episode titles, which, in case you can’t be bothered to watch the video (fair enough, we all live very hectic lifestyles), are:
Suzie, Do You Copy?
The Mall Rats
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
The Sauna Test
The Source
The Birthday
The Bite
The Battle of Starcourt
Of course, no idea what any of that means, but that’s not going to stop the internet going into speculation overdrive! It’s what it does best! Wild theories! No research! Reading too far into things! It’s like me at age 15.
Anyway, it hits Netflix next year sometime, so you’ve got quite a while to invent some ridiculous predictions and then be subsequently very disappointed when you discover them to mean absolutely nothing.
Either way, here’s everything we know so far.
(Image: YouTube)
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