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24 November 2014
Buildings are a bit like babies. While there are some really ugly ones, for the most part, they're generally very cute.
Indeed, we can all appreciate a well-designed building, because who doesn’t love the look of a sturdy piece of architecture stood glistening over the skyline of some major city?
Certainly not Portuguese architect Andre Chiote, who has paid tribute to some of his favourite structures around the globe in stunning fashion. Namely these stunning graphic posters, each inspired by various buildings.
Ennis House in LA, Doha Tower in Qatar, the Central Library in Birmingham (that was actually the name of the former building, but we'll let him off) are just some designs to get the special treatment, even splashed with the name of the smart alec behind each place. Meta.
Take a look at the best below, and then obviously get Googling the real buildings.