For most of us Brits our total knowledge of basketball comes from 1992 Snipes/Harrelson vehicle White Men Can't Jump.
In fact so impressed were most of us by the street ball skills displayed by 'Sidney' and 'Billy' that we ran out and bought a pair of Reebok Pump, before over-inflating them in double maths to the point of popping.
In America, though, street basketball is an actual thing with incredibly talented amateur ballers taking erm, the rock to the hole, in new and increasingly absurd ways, with varying degrees of success.
This chap, for example, thought slam dunking over four women would spell street cred and, probably, some generous donations. In fact it just resulted in that unmistakable gut pain that only a man can know, when his testicles collide with an object with some velocity. Most men won't have experience of that object being a female's forehead.