When we watched Jurassic Park for the first time we remember two things like it was yesterday: We were served sweet popcorn, not salted (you still owe us £4.20, UCI Cinema, Birmingham!) and we were scared out of our tiny plimsoles. The thought of being nabbed while on the lavvie by T-Rex and swallowed like a jelly-shot was too much.
Spare a thought then for this young gosling that was suddenly plucked from a lake by a hungry swan (we're guessing it was hungry, not looking for ransom money), while it’s mother’s back was turned. The stunning picture was captured by German photographer Felix Buscher at the Rieselfelder nature reserve, near the town of Munster.
Dry your eyes, though, dear reader as the stolen chick managed to wriggle free and was dropped back into its watery home, where it remains safe and sound.
(Main image: Caters news)