We're going to warn you right now - don't read this before eating an important meal of the day.
Hollywood has never shied away from using food as a tool for causing shock and general unpleasantness - and they've got pretty good at it over the years, it seems.
We've trawled the archives and found, for your enjoyment, the worst meals in the whole of movie history. If you'd all like to step this way, we'll show you to your table - a foul feast awaits you.
(Images: All Star)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Where else to start but the ultimate fantasy nightmare meal? Beetle backs, eyeball soup, chilled monkey brains and snake surprise, featuring.....lots of baby snakes. To be fair, it does sound like something Heston Blumenthal would put together.
Funny Farm (1988)
Note to anyone travelling to Kentucky. 'lamb fries' are in fact sheep's testicles. It's the most important thing to remember, baa none.
Drag Me To Hell (2009)
There's nothing wrong with staring at your food, longingly. If your food does the same to you, it's probably off. Either that or you're experiencing a curse that will subject you to three days of torment, before you burn in hell for eternity. Little cooking tip for you there.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder (2002)
It's time for the first truly gross-out moment in the list - and it doesn't get much grosser than canine 'love juice' in a bread roll. If you can watch this scene without feeling queasy, then you're made of stronger stuff than us. And you should strongly consider a career in animal breeding.
Road Trip (2000)
This is one of the worst meals in movie history - and the poor recipient doesn't even realise. Another tip for you: in a restaurant, even if your food isn't the best, think before you complain - it could get a whole lot worse.
Old Boy (2003)
Prepare yourself: it's a man eating a live octopus. For real. Four octopuses were 'used' during the making of this scene, with Choi Min-sik, a Buddhist, saying a prayer for each one before he ate it. We ask you, what's wrong with a ham sandwich?
Sweeney Todd (2007)
Time for a little 'light' relief, with a song from the movie of the musical Sweeney Todd. Little do those poor souls know that they are eating pies filled with the flesh of the unfortunate victims of Sweeney's cut throat razor. To be fair, there's every chance that the burgers on Tottenham Court Road on a Saturday night are fashioned from similar materials.
Vampire's Kiss (1989)
A crazed character played by Nicolas Cage decides that the perfect midnight snack is a tasty cockroach - and Cage eats it for real. Well, we've all done it haven't we? Haven't we?
Rescue Dawn (2006)
Not to be outdone by Cage, it's more 'real' acting, as Christian Bale munches down on some live maggots for the sake of his art. So next time you're out fishing...and you feel a bit peckish...and you think, well....would it be that bad?.....Christian Bale did it....DON'T DO IT. It's horrible. What's wrong with you?
The Gold Rush (1925)
A boiled shoe. It's not exactly a gastronomic delight is it? Surely there must have been something else in the fridge Charlie?
Matilda (1996)
As much as we really wanted not to believe the truth in the phrase "you can have too much of a good thing", Bruce Bogtrotter's experience in Matilda forced us to face up to reality. Yes, he finished and got the glory, but that cannot have been enjoyable. And imagine the stomach ache - remember all those parties as a kid when you had too many biscuits and had to lie down for an hour? Well this would have taken a week to sleep off. Think we'll skip dessert next time.
Billy Madison (1995)
"I know how you like 'em sloppy". We really, really don't lady. These are worse than the 3am dregs at Burger Off.
She's All That (1999)
If you can't take it, you shouldn't make it. These school bullies gets their just desserts (sorry) for bullying Laney's brother Simon, being forced to eat their own creation: a pizza with extra 'topping' - a hairy experience all round.
Dead Alive (1992)
We're going to warn you before you watch this: you'll never look at custard in the same way again.
Poltergeist (1982)
This steak and chicken is a little too rare for our liking. At least pop it under the grill for a bit, otherwise you might catch a nasty bug.
Titus (1999)
A stunning scene, featuring some more human-based cooking. "We've had that already" we hear you cry - it's a little different when you're eating your own sons.
Nothing But Trouble (1991)
Calling to mind a thousand partially-cooked festival hot dogs, this entry from Nothing But Trouble is simple, but effective. It just looks absolutely disgusting.
eXistenZ (1999)
It's a veritable feast of amorphous, gloopy, crunchy, mutant amphibians. Little known fact: this was the 'before' at one of the canteens on Jamie's School Dinners.
Hannibal (2001)
Yes - like Bisto gravy, we saved the best for last. It's a man eating his own brain. In Hannibal's defence, he at least makes the effort to stir-fry the meat, garnish with onions, and add a little seasoning. Apparently it tastes like chicken. Actually that sounds quite nice - maybe it should be in the Best Movie Meals list instead? No?
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