As heavy supporters of both Nutella and a good pain au chocolat, we fully endorse the use of chocolate as a welcome element of breakfast time.
We have limits though. Limits which are left crumbling in the wake of this absurd yet fascinating creation.
The last time we checked in with the guys at Epic Meal Time, they made us feel a bit nauseous with the 21, 430 calorie sandwich and things are no different with their latest.
The all-chocolate breakfast takes the typical ingredients of a fried breakfast and coats them all in cocoa. So they start with chocolate dusted bacon, chocolate fried potatoes, chocolate filled sausages, chocolate pancakes, chocolate French Nutella toast and chocolate eggs. Oh and it's served with an alcoholic chocolate milkshake.
The whole thing contains around 8,724 calories and a whopping 380 grams of fat. The only person unfit enough to eat it? Man V Food's Adam Richman. Watch in disgust:
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