Remember being a kid and wearing those trainers which lit up whenever you bounded about? What battery-operated and overly flamboyant joy that was.
Sadly for grown men, you couldn't really get away with a battered pair of LA Gear nowadays, let alone squeeze into some. But don’t fret too much - here comes a similarly luminous pair which should inject some fun back into your steps.
Introducing Asics's Glow-In-The-Dark range, which do just that: the Gel Lyte III, Gel Saga, GT Quick and Gel Spotlyte models.
With some of these still awaiting an official release, feel free to ogle over these recent pictures taken by by Street Supply and Dutch artist Tim Van Vliet in the meantime. Our pick? The Gel Lyte III.
You’ll be able to get your hands on a pair for £95 from early October on
Plenty of time to save up your pocket money.