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19 June 2015
Dear reader,
As you know, we value your opinion above all others. That is why we want your help in our quest to find the best place in Britain to be a man. But we don’t want nominations – we want stats.
With this in mind, we’d like you to take part in a short survey on what’s important to you in a home town.
And, as a thank you for taking part, you’ll have the option of being entered into our prize draw for a chance to win one of five HBO DVD box set goody bags, each containing:
Banshee Season 2 DVD
Boardwalk Empire Seasons 1-5 DVD
Girls Seasons 1-3 DVD
Game of Thrones Season 4 Blu-ray
Hello Ladies Season 1 DVD
Looking Season 1 DVD
The Newsroom Seasons 1-3 DVD.
To take part, simply go here:

[Images: Shutterstock]