Picture the scene: you've got one size 13 foot and one that's 14 1/2 and you want some comfortable slippers to wear around the house.
Those discriminating villains on the high street don't cater for your special needs so you're forced to order them online. Simple.
Well that is until your slippers arrive. While the smaller one fits snugly, there's something slightly up with the other one. The main problem being that it's actually big enough for you to use as a bed.
The Chinese manufacturer misread size 14.5 and created a slipper that was size 1,450. That's 7ft long. The company, called Monster Slippers, believed that it was being used as a prop for a shop window so didn't question the specifications.
The new owner, 27-year-old Tom Boddingham from East London, is planning to sell it on eBay. We wish him the best of luck while admirably trying to maintain a straight face.
(Image: Caters)