The Crystal Maze is looking for staff - here's how to apply
Including the coveted role of Maze Master

Depending on your age, The Crystal Maze will hold a special place in your heart – a great number of childhood evenings were spent in front of the telly, screaming “GET OUT YOU IDIOT” at the screen, becoming almost too agitated to watch. It was like Gladiators – it would give you a heart attack, but you loved it for that. Televisual Red Bull, basically.
Of course, it returned this year, so a new group of youngsters were able to enjoy it alongside all the nostalgia-hunters checking it out a second time round. But watching it isn’t playing it, is it? You’re not actually in there, putting a wooden puzzle together before a sand timer runs out, are you? You’re not walking through a room filled with dry ice, dodging lasers, are you? You’re in your pants in the living room, dodging salad, instead.
Unless of course you head to one of the Crystal Maze Live experiences (London or Manchester) – then you can actually experience what it’s like to chase a wacky bloke around the aztec zone.
It’s either that or actually be the wacky bloke being chased, isn’t it? Which would you prefer? Well, if it’s the second one, you’re in luck because both sites are looking for jobs, including the top dog role of Maze Master.
If you fancy it, head on over here and get applying, but just know that you’ll probably have to wear a pair of bonkers goggles or something at some point. And you might have to speak in a funny voice. And if you reckon you’d get annoyed by the “funny” one in the group shouting out things like “More like, AzDICK Zone, innit?” then you’re probably best off not applying.
Aside from that, pop your goggles on and enter the maze, you barmy so-and-so!
(Image: Rex)
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